Digital Marketing Strategies for the Aerospace Industry

Aerospace Digital Marketing Strategies

The iPhone & Google Maps helped turn GPS data into the foundation of the trillion-dollar industry that spawned Uber, Yelp, and Snap. 

According to Space Capital, the history of GPS provides us with a framework for understanding how space-based technology has become a platform for innovation on a global scale. Specifically, the development of technology layers on top of space-based infrastructure and big-data distribution for mass adoption unlocks thousands of unique applications.

The Aerospace industry continues to grow yearly, thanks to the recent increases in technology transfers, the efficiency of Launch Providers, and a higher demand for Aerospace-related services from both the government, and civil sectors.

However, businesses in this industry are also experiencing a significant increase in competition. The rise in competition calls for effective marketing strategies if a company wishes to get ahead of the other industry players or spread awareness of its advancements for the greater good of humanity. 

One would think, In the era of the internet, marketing your brand is easier than ever. However, you need to know how to define and reach your audience to get rewarded for your marketing efforts. 

This article will share some of the best digital marketing strategies you can use to grow your Aerospace brand. Houston, we have a solution! 

Define Your Customer Base & Audience Persona’s

You must determine your target audience, including investors, government facilitators, thought leaders, and ultimately your customers if you want to sell them your business concept successfully. 

The good news is that we live in an era with plenty of data you can use to find your target market. For example, you could start by analyzing the demographics and psychographics of your competitor’s audiences using their existing web presence. 

Chances are high that your significant competitors or relatable industry already have a website and use social media to promote Aerospace offerings. You can use several free tools to analyze your competitor’s audience to form a persona of whom they are targeting. Examining a number of your competitors will give you an idea of the audience criteria to target while marketing your brand.

Get started today with our – Free Buyer Persona Template 

Use Content Marketing

In marketing, the goal should always be providing value before you extract value. Your audience needs to find value in your brand before purchasing your product or services. An excellent example of this is American Express’s Open Forum Platform which allows businesses to get insights and inspiration to help them run, grow and expand their business.

You may not necessarily start a platform like Open Forum to implement your content marketing strategy. However, creating a blog site like Monroe Aerospace, a podcast like Houston We Have a Podcast, or another medium of content to bring value to your industry and potential customers is a great starting point. You can leverage these forums to share relevant information about the aerospace industry and company happenings. It would be best if you made it the go-to place when anyone in your audience wants to know about the trends in Aerospace.

You may also use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Meta to share valuable insights and information. Content marketing aims to build a community that trusts and beliefs in your brand. It will be much easier to turn these people into paying customers than prospects who know nothing about your offerings. In our technologically savvy world, individuals are more educated than ever. Meaning “Marketing BS” is becoming less and less effective.

So why does content marketing work? The Aerospace industry has long and complex sales cycles, and products and services are expensive! As a result, decisions are often not made overnight, and procurement departments meet with finance heads, R&D, and legal before deciding. By making that decision easier for them through content marketing, we can provide them with the necessary resources to act quicker and ultimately with your brand. 

Leverage LinkedIn Marketing

Now that you know how to define your audience and create value for them through content marketing, you’re ready for Paid Advertising Solutions. 

Currently, most Aerospace brands focus on B2B business models, and LinkedIn is the #1 B2B marketing platform for advertisers. LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the most potent social media lead generators for B2B marketers, allowing companies to express their brand stories uniquely and relevantly. In addition, the social media site encourages people to share material and interact with experts, making LinkedIn ideal for lead generation and brand exposure.

40% of B2B marketers believe LinkedIn is the most successful medium for generating leads!

Generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness. Marketing on LinkedIn helps you engage a community of professionals to drive actions relevant to your business.

Bring your content marketing strategy to LinkedIn. Host events, build communities, raise industry awareness and market your products and services organically and through Paid Media tactics. Check out our past post on LinkedIn Conversation Ads.

Axiom Space has managed to grow its follower base to over 45,000, allow it to take advantage of organic postings for free. Their page offers consistent content updates, community interaction, and post tags from its engaged follower base.

Learn More About Aerospace Marketing Services

Use SEO to get organic traffic from search engines

Search engines contribute over 50% of the organic traffic that goes to websites on the internet. Getting this traffic requires you to implement SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies that will encourage search engines to put your site on the first results page whenever someone searches for keywords related to Aerospace or your brand’s products or services. 

Blogging is one of the first SEO strategies you need to implement. It is pretty simple and doesn’t cost a lot to write regular articles for your blog. Search engines love fresh and engaging content. Having a blog is one of the practical ways to ensure your website has new content at all times. It would be best if you also optimized all your web pages to ensure they load fast. The loading speed of your site’s pages is one of the factors search engines consider while ranking sites. (Leverage Google’s Dev tool here to see how your page ranks) Leverage tools like AhrefsSEM Rush, or Moz. Just make sure you keep up with the latest Algorithm changes

The main takeaway here is that search engines will consistently rank websites that give their website visitors the best user experience. 

Combine SEO with SEM Search Ads

SEO is not an overnight strategy. It could take months before you see results. Are you looking for results sooner? Then leverage Search Engine Marketing through platforms like Google Ads

By paying only for the most valuable keywords to your company or industry, you can position yourself in the top spots on Google Search. Customize your ad copy with CTA’s that showcase your products, services, or benefits for Aerospace. You can even explore advanced features like Google Display, Google Discovery Campaigns, or YouTube Ads. Use these to expand your brand awareness and drive leads or product sales. Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of ad extensions like lead forms, image extensions, and site links. These allow you to get the most value out of your ad dollars and uniquely interact with your target audience. 

Are you a Nonprofit for Aerospace? Would you like up to $10,000 a month in FREE Ad spend? Then look no further than Google Ad Grants

Google Ad Grants help nonprofits share their causes with the world. With a Google Ad Grant, people searching for nonprofits like yours see your ad, are more likely to visit your website, and may donate as well!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! 

Social Media Marketing is Key

Want to know what a brand is up to? If they are using social media correctly, you’ll be able to know all about their latest news, partnerships, products, etc. While this is a classic use of social media, it can often be overlooked. A brand’s social media pages need to be interactive and engaging. However, they also need to be a hub for the latest news and statements from the company. Take the Instagram page of Lockheed Martin, for example. They do a great job of showcasing the aerospace projects and vehicles they work on, not to mention capitalizing on current events like the release of the new Top Gun Movie, creating an interactive poll within their Instagram Story.

Creating social media pages alone and posting once in a while is not enough. You need always to be available to engage with your audience. Likewise, your audience needs to hear from you and sometimes daily. Sharing on social media shows that you care about your audience and that your brand still exists.

For example, the Twitter account of Space Perspective tweets just about every day. These tweets offer updates and the breathtaking experience you would expect if you ever chose to use their services. People who follow your brand on social media will start to think about it more if they see its name appearing daily in their timeline.

It would help if you also remembered to reply to all DMs and any comments that need your response. If anyone in your audience shares a negative experience about your brand, engage them to find out what went wrong and find a solution to fix it immediately.  

To streamline social media marketing posts for organic and paid channels, create a content calendar ahead of time for the month. You can develop your posts ahead of time and have them all scheduled for launch with copy and content included. 

Get started today with our – Free Content Calendar

Take advantage of email marketing

Email marketing is among the marketing strategies with the highest Return on Investment. A Study by Constant Contact showed that every $1 spent on email marketing yields $36 in revenue. These numbers show that email marketing is one of the most reliable digital marketing strategies for any business, including Aerospace. 

The first step to using this strategy is building an email list. You can create an email list by requesting your website visitors and social media followers to share their emails with you in exchange for something small; it could be an eBook or anything your business can afford to give away for free.

This email list is what you will use to send your newsletter and targeted ads to promote your services. In addition, you should use tools like HubSpotConstant ContactAweber, or Active Campaign to run your email marketing campaigns. These tools come with plenty of templates and personalization capabilities that you can utilize to create appealing emails.

Lastly, you want to ensure that the content you deliver to your audience is engaging and provides value. If you want to leverage email for the lower funnel, sales-focused tactics, make sure to leverage it as a re-marketing play and ensure that your audience is qualified ahead of time.  

Final thoughts

Implementing the strategies, I have just shared may not guarantee immediate success. However, if they are well-executed, long-term success can be guaranteed. While implementing any system, it is essential to look at the data to determine the impact. Then, try to make a few tweaks to these strategies and see how your audience reacts. By trying out different alternatives, you will finally determine the one that works best for your brand.

We’re here to help

SMG is expanding its services to include aerospace, astronautics, and aviation consulting for startups or established business ventures. As the aerospace and aviation industries continue to grow and innovate, so does the need for a network of subject matter experts to guide businesses through decision-making, marketing, and communication services.  

The right partner in the aviation and space industry can make or break the marketing conversation around a brand and its achievements. Contact us today!

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Written by: Christopher Ulrich, Sorcery Media Group